“Philosopher’s Choice: Please allow me to invalidate all your Feelings”

Ryan Alexander Barber
4 min readApr 12, 2023

-(For “I Feel” it is my moral duty to do so)



. therefore

. I AM (able to prove that your feelings are false and misleading)”


As a rational being, always fixed on that which I know to be true, it has never been a matter of caring or not caring about feelings from my own end, for neither of these modalities actually carry any real meaning to me whatsoever (being rooted in fallacy), and in truth, I am not actually quite sure what is meant by the common phrase “caring about someone else’s feelings”, mainly because I’m not quite sure or convinced that it is actually something which can be done (by any one person towards another) or if it is even a real or rational response to nature or by nature any means whatsoever.

If by “care” one means, be “affected and pulled by” another’s emotional spectrum, then it would seem that “caring about feelings” on any level would be very harmful to one’s own nature and to survival, health and equilibrium.

If on the other hand “caring” means feeding into and encouraging negative emotions and behaviors, then again, not desirable and harmful to both subject and object.

Perhaps caring simply means “observing” (and taking into one’s own consideration), but to care or not to care in this case can never be known by anyone else besides the observer themselves (who may choose to relate their observations to others or keep quiet on the matter). In this case no one in the world can even comment on any other person’s ability to care or not to care, for to do so is not possible; only the observer can objectify his or her own observation, and not someone else by default of nature.

Expecting others to care about ourselves may be useful in terms of survival for an infant who is dependent on the attention of the mother for milk or other needs, but the attention comes on its own by nature regardless of the infant’ feelings on the matter, fortunate therefore are the mothers whose infants are self-reposed and accepting of Nature for what it has to offer, never asking for more than what is rightfully deserved, for otherwise additional stress would be added upon the mother’s burden and thereby LESS care is given to said infant, not more….

…So the feelings of attachment to mother beyond natural measure are destructive by nature and not to be desired, nor “cared for” by mother or acknowledged (by her) beyond natural means or else the child will develop poor emotional etiquette and rely on dramatic and self-indulgent displays of self-pity before others for the sake of attention rather than becoming self-reliant and mature, and all this due to poor emotional Programing. Best to weed that out early.

…in the end, all these belong to the realm of psychology which is of the mind. Always preferring to be a creature of spirit, I simply tend to see “feelings” as those symptoms of attention falling below the eyes, into the lower chakras which when the current is made to leak out one of these centers into the world, the corespondent gland secrets some hormone and physiological response aka: “feeling” is produced.

This generally causes a temporary upset to neuro-physiology which in turn causes one to leak out the precious ointment which is pouring down from the crown which should better be contained within the heart and brain, and not permitted to drop into the lotus of the solar plexus or below, for then sorrow and loss occur shortly after, and the lower animalistic tendencies and passions of greed, violence, spite all those turn an Angel into a beast and make him miserable only because he forgot to keep the attention above the eyes where the Godhead is seated at the lotus behind the eyes, where the nectar is happiness producing.

So from spirit language intuition is the replacement for feelings, and one should only observe feelings as a lower aspect of spirit which occurs above the heart and behind the eyes. Feelings which occur in the gut are those not of spirit but of world, and flow outwardly , causing the suffering due to loss. Intuitions and insights above heart or above eyes which flow inwardly are of “god” being the reverse current of energy back to source where happiness flows and connection to love is always remaining in the hearts of those who keep their lamps “full of oil” and always remember Source never allowing attention to drop into the lower spheres without self correction and introspection, for this is the way to heaven and to bliss where to dwell below the eyes or below the heart and allow attention to flow only in outward direction, being AFFECTED rather than AFFECTING nature and communing with Source is the cause of all the misery in the world due to in corrective course of action in accordance with life’s highest principles.

My Ted Talk is over now.

Thanks for listening this internal stream channeled by Source to Source radio 📻 here in Planet Starship Earth 🌍 philosophia R USA 🇺🇸 fraternity of Light, New England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Chapter 🫡





Ryan Alexander Barber

Fraternitas Lux, New England: Universal Fellowship of Hidden Light